ITRF Session – Orals


This is an ORAL session. The quantification of many geophysical phenomena, e.g. sea level variation, co-and post-seismic deformation, glacial isostatic adjustment, loading effects, but also precise orbit determination of artificial satellites, rely on the availability of a global terrestrial reference frame, such as the ITRF.

IGS Session – Orals


This ORAL session solicits presentations on scientific applications enabled by IGS products and new science enabled by improvements to quality and breadth of GNSS products.

IGS Governing Board Meeting Session 57b

Online Event

3-hour GB Strategic Planning mini-workshop dedicated to discussing and developing the 2021 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives

United Nations Global Geodesy Forum

Online Event

"The Power of Where: The Value of Geodesy to Society": the virtual open forum organized by the Subcommittee on Geodesy will focus on the significance of geodesy for the wellbeing and betterment of society, environment and economy.

Tour de l’IGS 1st Stop: Repro3


With the IGS workshop being postponed to 2022, we are looking forward to connect with the community in the form of a series of virtual talks or “mini-workshops” throughout this year. The first is a session fully dedicated to the #ITRF2020 and the outcomes of the activities of repro3.

IAG Scientific Assembly

Beijing, China and Online

The Scientific Assembly is a quadrennial event, in the middle of the periods between the IUGG General Assemblies.

11h Session of the UN-GGIM


With its Decision 2021/233, decided to reschedule the holding of the eleventh session of the Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management, which shall be held in a scaled-down format using a virtual remote simultaneous interpretation platform, on 23, 24 and 27 August 2021, and that decisions of the Committee shall be adopted through a silence procedure.