RTS Contributors + Providers
The RTS is overseen by the IGS Real-Time Working Group. The Real-Time Analysis Center Coordinator (RTACC), currently the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), has operational responsibility for the generation of the official combination products. These are generated at two combination servers and combine products from several Real-Time Analysis Centers. RTS is distributed through two primary Product Distribution Centers and a number of secondary centers that provide a highly available service.
Analysis Centers
The IGS combination products can only exist because of the contributions of the individual solution streams from the participating Analysis Centers. Below is a short description of the contributing solutions from the participating ACs. All AC orbit and clock product streams are transmitted with an update interval of 5 seconds. Ionospheric products have a temporal resolution of up to a minute (for more information and details on the ionospheric products please see http://chapman.upc.es/irtg/IGS_mount_points.doc).
Center | Mountpoints* | Description |
APM | SSR*00APM# | GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS RT orbits and clocks based on internal APM Ultra Rapid product. |
BKG | SSR*00BKG# | GPS+GLO+GAL RT orbits, clocks and code biases based on CODE orbits and biases; yaw angle in addition. |
CAS | SSR*00CAS# | GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS RT orbits and clocks based on GFZ orbits. Also includes code biases. |
CAS | IONO00CAS# | VTEC from Global Ionospheric Map. |
CHC | SSR*00CHC1 | GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS RT orbits and clocks. Also includes code and phase biases. |
CNES | SSR*00CNE# | GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS RT orbits and clocks based on GFZ orbits. Also includes VTEC from Global Ionospheric Map, yaw angle, code and phase biases. |
CNES | IONO00CNE1 | VTEC from Global Ionospheric Map. |
GFZ | SSR*00GFZ# | GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS orbits and clocks based on internal GFZ orbits every 2 hours. Also includes code biases. |
GMV | SSR*00GMV# | GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS RT orbits and clocks based on GMV-generated orbits. Stream in RTCM format delivers code biases. |
JPL | SSRA11JPL0 | GPS+GAL RT orbits and clocks. |
JPL | SSRA12JPL0 | GPS+GAL RT orbits and clocks. |
JPL | SSRA21JPL0 | GPS+GLO RT orbits and clocks. |
JPL | SSRA22JPL0 | GPS+GLO RT orbits and clocks. |
NRCan | SSRA00NRC0 | GPS RT orbits and clocks based on hourly orbits from NRCan software. Also includes code biases. |
SHAO | SSR*00SHA# | GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS RT orbits and clocks. Also includes code biases. |
SHAO | SSR*01SHA# | GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS RT orbits and clocks. Also includes code and phase biases. |
UPC | IONO00UPC1 | VTEC from Global Ionospheric Map. |
WHU | SSR*00WHU# | GPS+GLO+GAL+BDS RT orbits and clocks based on IGU (GPS) and IGS WHU AC orbits. |
WHU | OSBC00WHU1 | Observable Specific signal Biases (OSB) for GPS: L1/L2/L5, Galileo: E1/E5a/E5b/E6/E5, BDS-2: B1I/B2I/B3I, BDS-3: B1I/B1C/B2a/B2b/B2/B3I. Satellite orbits and clocks are fixed and used from SSRC00WHU0. Moreover, multi-frequency raw ambiguities are all fixed during the data processing of estimating phase OSBs. |
* The mountpoints prefix SSRC and SSRA indicate CoM and APC orbits, respectively.
# The last digit describes the SSR format: 1: IGS-SSR, 0: RTCM-SSR .
RTS Contributors
RT Working Group
At present, the IGS RT Working Group has about 50 members from about 25 international institutions and companies. The WG organizes two to three online meetings each year and meets in person at the IGS Workhops. The meetings are announced through the IGS RTWG Mailing List.
- Axel Rülke, German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (RT WG Chair)
- Ningbo Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences (RT WG Vice Chair)
Combination Center
- German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
Product Distribution Centers
There are two primary Product Distribution Centers:
- IGS Central Bureau (IGSCB)
- German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
Users may be also referred to an alternate product distribution centers upon confirmation of registration.
- Peter Neumaier, German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
RT Analysis Center Coordinator (RTACC)
- Andrea Stürze, German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
RTS Station Data Providers
- Addis Ababa University – Ethiopia
- Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – Italy
- Agricultural University of Wroclaw – Poland
- Alfred Wegener Institut – Germany
- Astrogeodynamical Observatory – Poland
- Astronomy and Space Science Institute – Korea
- Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – Brazil
- Bucharest Technical University of Civil Engineering – Romania
- Bundesamt fuer Eich- und Vermessungswesen – Austria
- Centre National d´Etudes Spatiales – France
- Chulalongkorn University – Thailand
- Clark Fortune McDonald & Associates – New Zealand
- Croatian Geodetic Institute – Croatia
- Curtin University – Australia
- DIST Universita di Cagliari – Italy
- ESA/ESOC – Germany
- FOMI Satellite Geodetic Observatory – Hungary
- Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy – Germany
- Finnish Geodetic Institute – Finland
- Fugro – Norway
- GOP Research Institute of Geodesy Topography and Cartographie – Czech Republic
- GPS Solutions Inc. – U.S.A.
- GSOC/DLR German Space Operations Center – Germany
- GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam – Germany
- GeoNet – New Zealand
- Geodetic Institute University Warszawa – Poland
- Geodetic and Cartographic Institute Bratislava – Slovakia
- Geoscience Australia – Australia
- Geospatial Information Authority of Japan – Japan
- Imperial College London – UK
- Institut Geographique National – France
- Instituto Cartografico de Catalunya – Spain
- Instituto Geografico Nacional – Spain
- Instituto Geografico Portugues – Portugal
- Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii Warszawie – Poland
- Istanbul Technical University – Turkey
- Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica I.N.RI.M – Italy
- Kazan Federal University – Russian Federation
- L’equipe du reseau Banian – New Caledonia
- NASA Stennis Space Center – U.S.A.
- National Geographic Information Institute – Korea
- National Land Survey – Sweden
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – National Geodetic Survey – U.S.A.
- National University Lviv – Ukraine
- Natural Resources – Canada
- Naval Observatory – U.S.A.
- NERC Space Geodesy Facility – United Kingdom
- Point Inc. – Canada
- Puerto Rico Seismic Network – Puerto Rico
- Puget Sound Reference Network – U.S.A.
- Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development – Kenya
- Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys – Nigeria
- Rocco V. D’Andrea Inc. – U.S.A.
- Royal Observatory – Belgium
- Singapore Land Authority – Singapore
- Solucoes em Posicionamento Global SPG – Brazil
- Surveys and Mapping – South Africa
- SwissTopo – Switzerland
- Technical University Delft -The Netherlands
- Teodonivel – Brazil
- Trimbase Ltda – Brazil
- Universidad de Cordoba – Argentina
- Universidad de Rosario – Argentina
- Universidad del Zulia – Venezuela
- Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP/FCT – Brazil
- Universidade da Baira Interior UBI/CGUL/IDL – Portugal
- University New South Wales – Australia
- University of Latvia – Latvia
- University of the South Pacific – Fiji
- University Padova – Italy
Last Updated on 24 Feb 2025 12:22 UTC