IGS Coordinators
Network Coordinator
The Network Coordinator provides coordination and liaison functions with regards to the IGS Network between station operators, users, data centers and analysts. Job duties include reviewing and approving site log submissions, coordination of new IGS station proposals, decommissioning dormant IGS stations, working with GNSS manufacturers on updates to the rcvr_ant.tab and antenna.gra files, and providing user support with the Site Log Manager. The Network Coordinator is a non-voting member of the IGS Governing Board. The Network Coordinator renews their commitment to the task and Governing Board nominally every four years, with no limit on renewals.
Infrastructure Committee Coordinator
The Infrastructure Committee Coordinator (ICC) coordinates all activities concerning the IGS infrastructure (e.g., network, data centers, IT services). The ICC initiates the development of policies, standards, guidelines, recommendations, and other initiatives to maintain and improve access to high-quality GNSS data, information, and services. The ICC is a voting member of the IGS Governing Board (GB) and interacts regularly with the Central Bureau (CB). Infrastructure Committee Coordinators renew their commitment to the task and Governing Board nominally every four years, with no limit on renewals.
Product Coordinators
Analysis Center Coordinator
The Analysis Center Coordinator (ACC) coordinates the ACs activities and monitors their products to ensure that the IGS objectives are carried out. Specific expectations include quality control and performance evaluation. The continued development of appropriate analysis standards is monitored and their application in the product generation is coordinated where needed. The Analysis Center Coordinator is also responsible for the appropriate combination of the ACs’ products into a single set of orbit and clock products, which are official IGS products delivered to the Global Data Centers. The Analysis Center Coordinator is a voting member of the IGS GB (see below) and interacts regularly with the CB and the IERS. The Analysis Center Coordinator (or designee as approved by the GB) is one of the two IGS representatives to the IERS Directing Board.
Generally the responsibilities for the Analysis Center Coordinator shall rotate among the ACs with appointments and terms specified by the GB. The Analysis Center Coordinator role may be shared between two individuals; if this occurs, only one will be a voting member of the Governing Board. Analysis Center Coordinators renew their commitment to the task and Governing Board nominally every four years, with no limit on renewals.
Data Center Coordinator
The Data Center Coordinator (DCC) assists the DCs and monitors their activities to ensure that the IGS objectives are carried out. Specific expectations include quality control, performance evaluation, and continued development of appropriate analysis standards. The DCC is also responsible for the appropriate collection and dissemination of IGS data and analysis products. The DCC is a key member of the Infrastructure Committee and interacts regularly with the CB and the IERS. The DCC (or designee as approved by the GB) works closely with the Infrastructure Committee Coordinator. Generally, the responsibilities for the DCC shall rotate among the DCs with appointments and terms specified by the GB.
Real-Time Analysis Center Coordinator
The tasks of the Real Time Analysis Center Coordinator (RT ACC) include: monitoring and quality management of the real time data and products and the Real time Service, definition of products, formats and protocols (with the Real Time Working Group), modeling and standards for the comparison and/or combination of products, coordination of the RT Analysis Centers and Associated Analysis Centers, and interface with the IGS Analysis Center Coordinator
The monitoring of the RT products involves comparisons with highly accurate batch reference products. Results for GPS, Galileo and GLONASS are published on the IGS website at Real-Time Service Monitoring, while detailed reports are sent by daily email to subscribed participants. The RTACC uses this routine monitoring to communicate any issues that arise with the participating ACs and RT Data Centers. The work on formats and protocols involves participation in RTCM and IGS efforts to standardise Real Time data and product formats, including the specification and use of multi-constellation observation formats (RTCM MSM), as well as the SSR product formats (RTCM and IGS SSR). The RT ACC is a voting member of the IGS GB.
Reference Frame Coordinator
The IGS Reference Frame Coordinator (RFC) forms the operational IGS station position, station velocity and Earth Rotation Parameter products by combining the IGS Analysis Centers (AC) SINEX solutions. The RFC is also responsible for the IGS realizations of the successive International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) versions, and for their implementation within the IGS. The RFC finally forms the IGS contributions to the successive ITRF releases by combining the AC SINEX solutions from the successive IGS reprocessing campaigns. The RFC works with the ACs and the Analysis Center Coordinator to identify, characterize and mitigate systematic errors in the IGS products. The RFC also collaborates with the Antenna Working Group on evaluating the GNSS satellite radial phase center offsets (z-PCOs). The Reference Frame Coordinator is a voting member of the IGS GB and interacts regularly with the CB and the IERS. Reference Frame Coordinators renew their commitment to the task and Governing Board nominally every four years, with no limit on renewals.
Clock Products Coordinator
The CPWG is chaired by the IGS Clock Products Coordinator (CPC), who is solicited and appointed by the IGS Governing Board (GB). The CPC is responsible for the day-to-day functions of the CPWG. The most important operational requirement is to ensure that all designated clock products are routinely generated and available to the user community, consistent with the standards and specifications established by the CPWG. The CPC is specifically responsible for ensuring that clock exchange process (the point at which the reference time is established for a main IGS product) takes place for each processing action. The CPC is a voting member of the GB (by virtue of exercising a coordinator’s role), represents this WG at the GB, and is responsible for representing the IGS to external organizations in all matters concerning timing subject to GNSS.