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Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)

IGS Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Working Group

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Working Group

Established: 2023

Chairs: Léo Martire & Elisabetta d’Anastasio

Mailing List: IGS IDEA

Charter: IDEA WG Charter

IDEA is a Working Group of the International GNSS Service community aiming to ensure that the principles of inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility are upheld within the IGS’s activities and decisions.

Diverse perspectives and experiences foster creativity and innovation, encouraging a variety of solutions to complex problems. Significant steps have been taken in the last five years to improve geographic diversity within the IGS: we have adjusted how we talk about geographic regions, we have welcomed new members strategically recruited from under-represented countries or regions, we have embraced virtual meetings and – considering our global workforce – have strived to schedule them at equitable times of day ; we have held workshops to genuinely build capacity and share our knowledge; and we are planning to host our first workshop in South America. To ensure that the IGS remains a sustainable organisation, we need to continue building on this great work, encouraging diverse and inclusive participation while inspiring the next generation of Associate and Governing Board members.

The International GNSS Service (IGS) Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Working Group (IDEA WG) supports Goal 3 of the IGS 2021+ Strategic Plan, which aims to foster a resilient, sustainable, and effective organisation to support an expanding and evolving IGS community. The group builds upon the work of the IGS Governing Board Committee for Sustainable Working Group Governance, which identified a need for the working groups and committees to be more inclusive as a mechanism to sustain and invigorate their activities.

The IDEA WG aims to ensure that inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility are fully considered, addressed, and embedded within IGS activities and decisions. The initial focus will be on creation of a dedicated statement addressing our approach to equity, diversity, and inclusion to communicate the Service’s commitment being a welcoming and supportive organisation and ensuring this remains at the forefront of governance decisions. By actively tackling this issue, there is an opportunity for the IGS to continue to be a leader within the scientific community and meet our goal to foster the IGS as a resilient, sustainable, and effective organisation that supports an expanding and evolving global community.


Participation in the EDI WG is open to all IGS Associate Members, which may consider gender and generational balance, regional representation, or other relevant factors. As a reminder, AM applications are subject to review by the IGS Governing Board. EDI WG members are responsible for:

  • maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information,
  • actively contributing in some way to the working group, and
  • attending events organised by the working group.


In the Charter, you will find further information on Purpose, Goals, Key Considerations, Objectives and Expected Deliverables, Timeline, and Membership.


IGS Statement on IDEA

Last Updated on 1 Oct 2024 15:56 UTC

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