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Analysis Center Coordinator (ACC)

Coyhaique, Chile Station

Analysis Center Coordinator (ACC)

Run by Geoscience Australia & Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This site gives information about the products of the International GNSS Service (IGS), especially their quality and is intended as a point of reference for analysis centres contributing products to the IGS. The IGS Analysis Center Coordinator (ACC) has overall responsibility for generating the main official IGS combined products.

Currently, there are three IGS product lines for GNSS satellite orbits and clocks, namely the IGS Final, the IGS Rapid, and the IGS Ultra-rapid products. The tables and figures for the Final products are updated weekly. Other pages are updated shortly after the corresponding combinations. The figures show the results of the past 60 weeks except for the “Final (ALL)” plots which show the results of the IGS orbit combinations since their beginning in late 1993.

Analysis Centers

Global Network Associate Analysis Centers (GNAACs)


Institution Abbreviation Country/Region
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology and Geophysics China
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne UK
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA

Regional Network Associate Analysis Centers (RNAACs)


Institution Abbreviation Country/Region
Geoscience Australia Australia
EUREF – IAG Commission X – Global and Regional Geodetic Networks, Subcommission for Europe (Eurpean Coordinating RNAAC):
Bundesamt für Landestopografie (swisstopo) Switzerland
Center for Orbit Determination in Europe Switzerland
Geodetic Observatory Pecny (GOP-RIGTC) Czech Republic
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG) Germany
International Commission for Global Geodesy of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences Germany
Nordic Geodetic Commision Finland
Nuova Telespazio S.p.A., Space Geodesy Center Italy
Lustbühel Observatory, Graz
Royal Observatory of Belgium Belgium
University of Padova Italy
Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Geographical Survey Institute of Japan Japan
Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska USA
Onsala Space Observatory Sweden
Pacific Geoscience Center Canada
SIRGAS – Sistema de Referencia Geocentrico para las Americas, the South American Geocentric Reference System – Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut South America
Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica Brazil
Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi Colombia
Instituto Geografico Militar Chile
Instituto Geografico Militar Ecuador
Instituto Geografico Militar Uruguay
Instituto Geografico Nacional Argentina
Instituto Geografico Nacional Peru
Instituto Geografico Nacional, Registro Nacional Costa Rica
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia Mexico
Universidad Santiago de Chile Chile

Last Updated on 12 Mar 2025 02:07 UTC

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