IGS 2022 Virtual Workshop
Event: IGS Workshop 2022
Location: Virtual
Dates: 27 June – 01 July 2022
Our planet is dynamic and ever-changing, and so it seems, is our IGS Workshop planning process, as well. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will unfortunately need to move our 2022 Workshop to a fully virtual format.
While we will all miss seeing each other in person, we will use this change of circumstances to help us refocus the IGS Workshop back to being just that – a community workshop. We will be operating on a compressed schedule to try to be inclusive to as many time zones as possible, and condensing our workshop program to aspects that are the most critical to the function of our Service, specifically a small number of keynote presentations by luminaries and innovators in our community, supported by a comprehensive agenda of working group and/or topical collaboration sessions. The emphasis will be on bringing our community together to discuss key issues and brainstorm the next steps toward a multi-GNSS IGS in service to our global community.
The virtual workshop will take place, as scheduled, the week of 27 June to 1 July, 2022. Key changes include:
- Live Keynote presentations, with recordings made available after the workshop on IGS YouTube.
- Targeted WG/topical splinter sessions convened by IGS Working Group Chairs and community leaders
- Plenaries/posters will not be held during this workshop, but are effectively already taking place (virtually) via the Tour de l’IGS Mini Workshop Series; the next Tour de l’IGS is planned for late April.
- We will plan to hold additional/enhanced sessions at the December 2022 AGU for in-person presentations, an Open AM/WG Meeting, and “2022 Workshop Aprés-Ski” networking event.
We hope that this proposed workshop program will help the IGS workshop return to its unique place among our regular meetings, adding value and impact to our profession.
Please check our IGS Workshop 2022 event page periodically for additional event updates.