Tour de l’IGS 2nd Stop: Infrastructure
For presentations and videos from this event, visit the Tour de l’IGS Presentations.
What is the Tour of the l’IGS?
The Tour de l’IGS is a series of virtual workshops on relevant topics to the IGS membership, stakeholders and GNSS community in general. These events will be hosted several times a year and will cover a wide range of topics including space-borne and ground-based instrumentation, technology development, scientific and societal applications, etc.
The Second Tour de l’IGS is focused on IGS Infrastructure. This includes topics related to network stations and their configurations (instrumentation, monumentation, communications, etc), data flow, and other considerations involved in the collection and distribution of GNSS observational data and information.
Where is the event?
Virtually, in an around-the-world clock format. The event will take place on 01 September at 20:00 UTC. Please use the calendar links below to add this event to your calendar.
How do I participate?
Registration is now closed. We will be using Zoom as the platform for the workshops. Registration is required and limited to 300 participants to ensure accountability and accessibility to online resources. Participants will obtain the meeting link upon completion of the registration.