Tour de l’IGS 1st Stop: Repro3
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
For presentations and videos from this event, visit the Tour de l’IGS Presentations.
What is “Tour de IGS”?
With the IGS workshop being postponed to 2022, we are looking forward to connect with the community in the form of a series of virtual talks or “mini-workshops” throughout this year. The first is a session fully dedicated to the #ITRF2020 and the outcomes of the activities of repro3.
Date: June 02, 2021 11:00 UTC (4 AM PDT) – 14:00 UTC (7 AM PDT)
Registration is required to ensure accountability and accessibility to online resources. Registration is limited to 300 participants. See registration form below.
Moderator: Mayra I. Oyola-Merced, IGS Central Bureau
- Felix Perosanz (CNES, Chair, IGS Governing Board)
- Zuheir Altamimi (President, International Association of Geodesy)
- Paul Rebischung (IGS Reference Frame Coordinator, IGN)
- Salim Masoumi (IGS Analysis Center Co-Coordinator, Geoscience Australia)
- Simon Banville (IGS PPP-AR Working Group Chair, NRCan)
- Susanne Glaser (GFZ Potsdam)
- Jianghui Geng (Wuhan University)
Registration is now closed and the event has reached full capacity.
Please contact the IGS Central Bureau if you have questions or concerns.