IAG Scientific Assembly

Beijing, China and Online

The Scientific Assembly is a quadrennial event, in the middle of the periods between the IUGG General Assemblies.

Unified Analysis Workshop (UAW) 2021

Munich, Germany and Online

The Unified Analysis Workshop (UAW) 2021 will be held in October 2021 (5-8) in Munich and it is planned as a hybrid meeting (in-person and online).

GGOS Days 2021

Munich, Germany and Online

GGOS Days is the annual meeting of GGOS during which the different components of GGOS meet and report on their activities during the past year and their plans for the coming year. Everyone is encouraged to attend!

1st workshop on Data Science for GNSS Remote Sensing

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences 14473, Potsdam, CA, Germany

GFZ will bring together for the first time the GNSS Remote Sensing and Data Science experts to foster these innovative and interdisciplinary developments in Earth Science at one of the most historical geophysical research institutes.

Unified Analysis Workshop (UAW)

Hotel Electra Palace, Thessaloniki Aristotelous 9, Thessaloniki, Greece

It is planned to hold the Unified Analysis Workshop (UAW) 2022 in October 21-23, 2022 in Thessaloniki, Greece together with the REFAG 2022 Symposium (IAG International Symposium on Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences).