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International Women’s Day & Women’s History Month

International Women's Day and Women's History Month
International Women's Day and Women's History Month

To celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month 2021, the International GNSS Service (IGS) joined the global community by profiling six women in the IGS community who are making contributions to global geodesy for the greater good.


International Women’s Day (#IWD) is a global celebration of women’s’ contributions to history, culture and society. The United Nations (UN) has observed International Women’s Day since 1975, with the goal to: “recognize the fact that securing peace and social progress and the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms require the active participation, equality and development of women; and to acknowledge the contribution of women to the strengthening of international peace and security (United Nations, 2021) Recently, many countries/regions and organizations have extended IWD celebrations throughout the entire month of March, now known as Women’s History Month (#WHM).


Despite the significant increase in the number of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields in recent years, men still outnumber women by a large margin. Even in developed countries/regions, like the United States of America, less than one-fifth of women with terminal geoscience degrees work in the geosciences. Moving forward, we thank and celebrate all women in the geodesy community who have embodied the IGS Core Values with their many examples of technical and policy leadership, mentorship, and advocacy for equality, diversity, and inclusion within the IGS.

Meet our featured women for Women’s History Month

Dr. Elisabetta D’Anastasio


Dr. Elisabetta D’Anastasio


Science Operations Technical Lead at GNS Science (@gnsscience)
Governing Board Member at the International GNSS Service
New Zealand


“GNSS is completely embedded in our everyday life and in the past two decades has been revealing many previously unknown facts of the planet we live in. This has only been possible thanks to a scientific community that shared data, knowledge, standards, and best practices. GNSS is a technology that keeps on giving, and I’m excited to see what future discoveries it will bring us.”

Dr. Annette Eicker


Professor at HafenCity University Hamburg (@hcuhamburg)
President-elect at EGU Geodesy Division (@EGU_Geodesy)


“What I love most about geodesy is its versatility: Hydrologists, oceanographers, glaciologists, geophysicists, atmospheric & climate scientists, so many communities benefit geodetic observations. And it‘s a lot of fun to work on the interface of all these disciplines.”

Dr. Annette Eicker


Allison Craddock


Allison Craddock


Central Bureau Director and Secretariat at International GNSS Service (@igsorg)
Governing Board Member at the International GNSS Service
United States


“The IGS is a strong, supportive community that cares about its work as well as its people. Our vision of “a better understanding of the Earth through the application of GNSS” is made possible when we collaborate with people from diverse locations, backgrounds, and educations. By sharing open data and knowledge with colleagues from around the world, we are able to collectively leverage limited assets to the top of current geodetic knowledge and capability.”

Dr. Anna Riddell


Geospatial Reference System Manager at Geoscience Australia (@GeoscienceAus)


“I am constantly fascinated by our dynamic planet and I love that Geodesy is one of the sciences that helps inform our understanding of how Earth changes over time. I am grateful for all the scientists that have come before me and I only hope that I can inspire the next generation coming through to make our planet an even better place to live.”

Dr. Anna Riddell


Dr. Suelynn Choy


Dr. Suelynn Choy


Professor of Satellite Navigation, Acting Associate Dean at Geospatial Science Discipline in RMIT University (@RMIT)
Governing Board Member at the International GNSS Service


“’Every Accomplishment Starts with A Decision to Try.’- John F. Kennedy. My journey with the IGS began over a decade ago with a decision to pursue a PhD in GNSS. The IGS openly available, high quality GNSS data and products have enabled my research endeavours to improve precise positioning, as well as to better understand the world we live in called Earth. For over 25 years, the IGS continues to support and enable many other research and development activities benefitting all scientific, educational, and commercial users. Salute, IGS!”

Dr. Laura Sánchez


Research Associate at Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut, Technische Universität München (@TU_Muenchen)
Vice-president of the Global Geodetic Observing System of the International Association of Geodesy (@IAG_GGOS)
Governing Board Member at the International GNSS Service



“Women working on Geodesy provide a reliable reference frame to demystify gender stereotypes” Laura is the Vice-President of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) since 2019 and a member of the Governing Board of the IGS since 2014. Her research focuses on Geodetic Reference Frames.

Dr. Laura Sanchez



Would you or your organization like to be featured in next year’s IWD celebration?

Please contact the Central Bureau to learn more.

Last Updated on 20 Oct 2022 22:44 UTC

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