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RINEX 4.00 End of Transition Phase and RINEX 4.01 Now Available

RINEX 4 Now in Operation, New Updates in RINEX 4.01
RINEX 4 Now in Operation, New Updates in RINEX 4.01

RINEX 4.00 End of Transition Phase

RINEX 4.00 has been approved in the IGS/RTCM RINEX Working Group as the necessary next step for maintaining the suitability of the RINEX format to store GNSS data and measurements. The new format was officially accepted by the IGS Governing Board on Dec 7, 2021.

The IGS Infrastructure Committee carefully considered the impact these changes may have on the users’ end, including:

  • Breaking but minor change for many software packages handling observation and meteorological files due to version change.
  • Breaking change for many software packages for navigation files due to format change.

As announced in [IGSMAIL-8207] RINEX 4.00 transition and trial period, the Infrastructure Committee implemented a RINEX 4.00 transition phase and subsequently started a trial phase in 2022:

  • DLR has provided a merged BRDC summary navigation file (BRD00DLR), as of  January 2022.

  • GFZ and DLR provide station-wise observation, navigation, and meteorological files available at CDDIS and BKG in their respective campaign directories, as of May 2022.

From July 19, 2023 onwards, station-wise RINEX 4.00 data files can be found in the operational archives.

From this date onwards, only one of the two versions (RINEX 3.xx or RINEX 4.00) is allowed to be uploaded.

The upload of RINEX 2.11 files is not affected.

Station operators are encouraged to switch to the new format version as soon as possible.

Station operators are required to send a notice to the IGS mailing list (IGSMAIL) before they switch.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Central Bureau (

On behalf of the IGS Infrastructure Committee,

Markus Bradke

M.Eng. Markus Bradke

IGS Infrastructure Committee Coordinator

Section 1.1 Space Geodetic Techniques
Phone: +49 (0)331/6264-1182

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Foundation under public law of the federal state of Brandenburg
Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam

RINEX 4.01 Now Available

By Francesco Gini (RINEX Working Group Chair)

Dear colleagues,

I am happy to inform you that the new RINEX version 4.01 has been officially released on the IGS webpage:

The main changes with respect to the previous version (4.00) are:

  • Addition of New GPS L1 & L2 Observation Code for RMP antenna (code names are now reserved)
  • New NavIC L1 Observation Code (signal already transmitted by the ISRO NVS-01 satellite launched at the end of May this year)

Last Updated on 17 Aug 2023 16:57 UTC

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