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Station Operator Highlight

Station Operator Highlight

Station Operator Highlights

By IGS Central Bureau

The IGS network is a collection of heterogeneous stations operated by many different organizations pooling their resources under the IGS umbrella for the common good. Of these contributions, the data recorded by station operators via GNSS receivers is the most important. In other words, they are the heart of the IGS. This page is dedicated to highlight the amazing contributions from Station Operators around the world.  We are grateful to each one of them for their hard work and commitment towards the IGS and Geodesy in general.

Are you interested in being featured? Fill the form at the bottom of the page. Do you want to recommend a Station Operator to be featured? Contact us at

Munawar Kholil with a GNSS box panel
Munawar Kholil



Geospatial Information Agency BIG-Badan Informasi Geospasial, formerly BAKOSURTANAL)

Station Operator Interview

  1. How many years have you been a station operator?
    • I have been a Station Operator since I joined BIG. It has been about 10 (ten) years.
  2. To be the best of your abilities have there been other Station Operators at your site? How many?
    • Yes, BAKO has had 7 Station operators:  Joni, Yan, Sidik, Ahmad, Ossy and Kautsar and I (Munawar).
  3. Can you describe your site? Is it purely a GNSS site? Are there other observations that complement the site?
    • BAKO is a GNSS site with meteorological sensor equipment.
  4. Why do you think is important to provide your station’s data to the IGS?
    • We would like to contribute to GNSS by supporting the ITRF realization along with other IGS stations around the world. We already have 8 sites that stream data everyday to the APRGP Project (APREF), such as BAKO, CAMB, CMAK, CMRE, CPDG, CPON, CSBY and CUKE. We hope to incorporate more ground  stations into the IGS in the near future.
  5. Can you share a quote, interesting experience or thought about your experience as station operator?
    • “There is no day without data processing”, because we  are always processing  GNSS data.
  6. What do you expect from the IGS in the future?
    • The IGS could provide a users/operators gathering forum annually in order to share the experiences among station operators: from setting a GNSS station to streaming data to the IGS Analysis Center.


Would you or your organization like to be featured in the next Station Operator Highlight?

Last Updated on 4 Apr 2023 01:50 UTC

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