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IGS 2024 Workshop "Thirty Decades of Service to Science and Society" 1-5 July 2024 | Bern, Switzerland
IGS 2024 Workshop

The IGS started its operational service on 1 January, 1994. During the course of preparing for this operational phase, the first IGS workshop was held at the premises of the University of Bern from 25 to 26 March, 1993 focusing on the analysis centers. The first decade of operational service was celebrated at an IGS workshop hosted again in Bern Switzerland by the University of Bern in March 2004.

In July 2024, the IGS celebrated 30 years of operational service. The University of Bern together with the partners from the CODE consortium (AIUB: Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern, Switzerland; swisstopo: Swiss Federal Office of Topography, Wabern, Switzerland; BKG: Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Frankfurt a. M., Germany; IAPG/TUM: Institute for Astronomical and Physical Geodesy, Technical University of Munich, Germany) invited the community to celebrate the third decade with a symposium together with an IGS workshop again in Bern, Switzerland, at the premises of  University of Bern. The event was planned for the week from 1 to 5 July in 2024. This in-person event  took place in two parts: symposium (1-4 July) and workshop (4-5 July).

Welcoming Remarks
Rolf DACH Governing Board Chair
Hugues ABRIEL Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, University of Bern
Marco HERWEGH Dean Faculty of Science, University of Bern
Adrian JÄGGI Director Astronomical Institute, University of Bern
Richard GROSS President, International Association of Geodesy
Martin SEHNAL Director, Global Geodetic Observing System
Allison CRADDOCK Director, IGS Central Bureau
Rolf DACH Local Organizing Committee
IGS Governing Board Chairs
Gerhard BEUTLER Celebrating 30 Years of IGS

IGS Governing Board Chair 1994 – 1998

Christoph REIGBER IGS Governing Board Chair 1998 – 2002
John Dow IGS Governing Board Chair 2002 – 2010
Urs HUGENTOBLER IGS Governing Board Chair 2011 – 2014
(Presented by Rolf Dach)
IGS Governing Board Chair 2015 – 2020
Felix PEROSANZ IGS Governing Board Chair 2020 – 2023
Rolf DACH IGS Governing Board Chair 2023 –
Session 2: Building Global GNSS-Based Reference Frames
Kyohei AKIYAMA Simplified Shadow Model of Solar Radiation Pressure for GNSS Satellites with Large Communication Antenna
Florian DILSSNER Taming the Invisible: All-Force Radiation Pressure Modeling for Multi-GNSS
Pascal STEBLER How Do Errors in Box-Wing Model Propagate in a Global GNSS Solution
Radoslaw ZAJDEL SLR Validation of Beidou-3 MEO Orbits: Insights from the First Year of Tracking
Keitaro OHNO IGS Analysis Center in Japan – JGX Products Operations and Prospects
Patrick DUMATRASCHKEWITZ Handling Temporal Correlated Noise in Large Scale Global GNSS Processing
Radowslaw ZAJDEL Multi-GNSS Orbit and Clock Combination based on Variance Component Estimation
Yoaz BAR-SEVER What to Expect from Future GPS Spacecraft: NTS-3, IIIF, and GPS-Lite
Peter STEIGENBERGER Characterization of GLONASS-K1+ spacecraft
Andria BILICH Uniting Global Efforts to Calibrate GNSS Antennas: models, analyses and pilot results
Oliver MONTENBRUCK Ground and Inflight Calibrations of GPS Transmit Antennas
Long Jiang TANG Validation of GPS III Transmit Antenna Calibrations with Ground and Space-based Observations
Erik SCHOENEMANN ESA ANTEX: A Consistent GNSS Satellite Phase Center Model Based on Galileo Ground Calibration Data
Mathis BLOSSFELD DTRF2020 Extension: GNSS Scale and Continuity Issues
Zuheir ALTAMIMI ITRF2020 Updates and the IGS Contribution
Rolf DACH Earth’s Center of Mass Handling for GNSS Orbit Determination and PPP
Sylvain LOYER GEOD-ESIS: A GNSS+Sentinel6A joint processing
Zhingui KANG LEO-based SLR Station Coordinate Determination Using GNSS and SLR data
Joe SKEENS Generating Local Tie Vectors Between GNSS and VLBI by Co-Observing GNSS Satellites
Athina PEIDOU Realization of Terrestrial Reference Frame At The Observation Level Using Space Geodetic Techniques
Daniel ARNOLD Genesis Orbit And Geodetic Parameter Estimation Based On GNSS: Impact Of Trasmit Antenna Phase Pattern Errors
Johannes BÖHM From GENESIS to GNSS: What Are The Opportunities With VLBI Transmitters On Satellites?
Session 1: GNSS Standards and Infrastructure
Pierre SAKIC Rinexmod & Autorino: Two Tools to Enable multi-GNSS and Near Real-time Data Acquisition and Pre-processing
Xinghan CHEN GFZRNX-QC: Advanced GNSS Data Processing and Quality Control for Multi-System Observations
Satoshi KAWAMOTO RINEX Pre-processing Software “RINGO” for Multi-GNSS Data
Andras FABIAN M3G: the Metadata Management System for Multiple GNSS Networks
Markus BRADKE Enhancing FAIR Principles: Development of a Comprehensive Metadata Management System for GNSS Stations
Markus RAMATSCHI GFZ Global GNSS Network
Laurent JOLIVET REGINA, a CNES/IGN Worldwide GNSS Receivers Network for IGS and Navigation
Ryan RUDDICK The Modernisation of Geoscience Australia’s IGS Infrastructure
Aleksandr SPESIVTSEV New Zealand and IGS – Three Decades of Collaboration and Looking into the Future
Ross BAGWELL CDDIS – Updates and Future Developments
Peter NEUMAIER 20 Years of BKG Professional Ntrip Caster
Kalev RANNAT The GNSS Repository for the Global RINEX Data Files
Fikri BAMAHRY Long-term GNSS Data Quality Monitoring in the Distributed EPOS e-infrastructure
Katharina A LUTZ The DLS GNSS Monitoring System – Powered by the IGS
Kamil Kazmierski Evaluation Service for Real-time Orbit and Clock Satellite Corrections
Ningbo WANG Generating Integrity Support Information Of The IGS Provided Precise Orbit, Clock and Bias Products
Bledar SINA Realization of GNSS Measurements in the Local Datum of Tide Gauges in Albania
Arli LIABANI GNSS Integration in Mobile Laser Scanning Applications
Yannick BREVA MAESTRO: Understanding Multipath – Antenna – Receiver Interactions for Calibrating Code Phase Variation of GNSS Receiving Antennas
Drazen SVEHLA Geometry of the GNSS Beam and Absolute Value of the Galileo Satellite Phase Center Offset
Lennard HUISMAN Harmonizing Collocation Information for InSAR Infrastructure in GNSS SItelogs
Session 2: Building Global GNSS-Based Reference Frames
Rinrada SRIKWANMA Determination of the Optimum Tropospheric Process Noise for Kinematic multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning
Eléonore SAQUET CNES/CLS IGS Analysis Center: recent developments
Adrien MEZERETTE CNES/CLS IGS Analysis Center Rapid & Ultra-rapid Products Overview
Abi KOMANDURU JPL’s IGS2020 Reprocessing Campaign
Rolf DACH Activities at the CODE Analysis Center
Torsten MAYER-GUERR Global GNSS Processing at TU Graz with the Open-source Software GROOPS
Francesco GINI ESA’s New Operational GNSS Processing Approach for Precise IGS Products
Thalia NIKOLAIDOU Validation Of New Generation Of NRCan’s Final GPS Orbit, Clock and Earth Rotation Products and PPP Performance
Krzysztof SOŚNICA Accuracy Limits Of Orbit Predictions For GNSS Satellites
Gustavo MANSUR SPOCC – A GFZ Software Tool for a Multi-GNSS Orbit and Clock Combination
Rolf DACH Evaluating Combined IGS Orbit Products
Chen WANG Observation Model Refinement In The Inter-satellite Links to BDS-3 Precise Orbit Determination
Shiwei GUO Impact of Ambiguity Resolution and LEO Configuration on Geocenter Motion Determination Using Ground and Speceborne GPS Observations
Bingbing DUAN Estimating GNSS Satellite Antenna Phase Center Offsets And Various Simultaneously With Flatness Constraints
Johannes KRÖGER Recent Antenna Calibration Developments at IFE
Tobias KERSTEN Uniting Global Efforts to Calibrate GNSS Antennas: models, analyses and pilot results
Noureddine KHELOUFI GNSS Positioning Accuracy for Referential Frames Transformation Parameters Determination
Rick BENNET Automated Analysis of GNSS Time Series For Large Networks
Maylis DE LA SERVE To What Extent Is The Cryosphere Taken Into Account In The Hydrological Loading Models?
Julien BARNÉOUD Comparative Analysis of Surface Loading Models for Predicting GNSS Surface Displacements
Sharyl BYRAM The IERS Rapid Service / Prediction Center Mission, Challenges, and Developments
Xingi FANG Acceleration Corrections for Reducing GPS-related LOD Bias in multi-GNSS Processing
Hicham DEKKICHE Assessment and Analysis of Ocean Tide Loading Effect in Western Mediterranean Region Using GNSS Meaurements
Session 4: GNSS for Climate
Cheng WANG Global Ionospheric Modeling with a High Spatio-termporal Resolution
Ang LIU Progress of the CAS Rapid Global Ionospheric Map During Solar Cycle 25: TEC Map and Corresponding RMS Map
Zohreh ADAVI Assessment Of Intense Rainfall Detection Using PWV And SNR Variations
Luohong LI A Novel Forecasting Zenith Hydrostatic Delay / Weighted Mean Temperature Model for Rapid PWV Retrieval and Its Application in Extreme Rainfall Events
Houaria NAMAOUI Detecting water vapour from GNSS for Styding ERA 5 Variability During Heavy Precipitation Events. Case: North of Italy
Jan DOUŠA High-Resolution Real-Time Troposphere Estimates for Severe Weather Monitoring and Nowcasting
Galina DICK GNSS-derived Precipitable Water Vapor for Climate Research
Jingna BAI Spatiotemporal Analysis of Siant Wet Delays over China based on GPS Data
Guangxing WANG Assessment of the Signal-in-space of BDS-3 PPP-B2b Service and its Application in PWV Estimation
Yuanxin PAN Can Android Smartphones Contribute to GNSS Meteorology?
Chalyut CHAROENPHON Investigating the Use of Machine Learning-derived Weighted Mean Temperature for GPS-PWVs Estimation
Ílke DENIZ Investigation of the Height Dependency of ZTD Using EOF Analysis
Aurélie PANETIER Optimal Processing of GNSS Data for Appropriate Zenith Total Delay for Climate Trend Analysis
Ta-Kang YEH Preliminary Results of the Precipitable Water Vapor Derived from COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation
Josef INNERKOFLER Precise Orbit Determination for Radio Occultation Climate Applications
Xing SU Accuracy Analysis of Error Compensation of BDS Broadcast Ionospheric Model Based on ABC-BP Neural Network
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