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IGS Call for Nominations 2022

Now Accepting Nominations for IGS Governing Board
Now Accepting Nominations for IGS Governing Board Submission Deadline Extended 31 October 2022

Now Accepting 2022 Nominations for the IGS Governing Board

By IGS Central Bureau

Dear IGS Associate Members,

The IGS Standing Elections Committee and Governing Board are pleased to announce the 2022 Call for Nominations for the following IGS Governing Board positions (see descriptions in the next section below or at 2022 IGS Call for Nominations):

  • one (1) Analysis Center Representative, and
  • one (1) Network Representative.

As a reminder, the election process approved on 17 May 2021 encourages all Associate Members to nominate candidates for any of the available positions, including self-nominations, as long as both the Associate Member and the candidate are active and in good standing with the IGS. All IGS Associate Members (i.e., colleagues receiving this email and listed on the Associate Membership List) are eligible to nominate, and should do so between the 20th of September 2022 and the 31st of October 2022. Suggested nominations should be sent to or

The election process will be overseen and enforced by the Standing Elections Committee (SEC), which is as of today comprised of Benjamin Männel (Analysis Center Representative), Ryan Ruddick (Network Representative), and Léo Martire (Central Bureau Acting Deputy Director). Committee members will be responsible for reviewing and approving all Associate Member applications, and vetting and selecting candidates responding to the Governing Board Call for nominations.

Once the call for nomination ends, the SEC will organize and verify nominations. Candidates will be contacted to confirm their interest and asked to provide a curriculum vitae, statement of intent, and letter of support from their organization. The election process will be electronic and take place from the 15th of November 2022 to the 1st of December 2022, closing at 12:00 pm Pacific Time. For each position, the elected candidate will be elected to serve a 4-year term, starting on the 1st of January 2022.

On behalf of the Standing Elections Committee and Governing Board, thank you for your consideration, interest, and cooperation.

Associate Membership

As a reminder, the IGS Terms of Reference define Associate Members (AMs) as:

Associated Members are persons representing organizations that participate in any of the IGS components. The membership is balanced with respect to IGS components, organizational representation and geography, and is meant to represent institutions which contribute significantly to the IGS on a continuous basis. AMs elect the six members of the Governing Board representing Analysis Centers, Data Centers and Networks (except for those nominated by the IGS Central Bureau). The list of Associate Members eligible to vote in elections must be approved by the Governing Board prior to the election process. Current and former Governing Board members may maintain an active Associate Member status before, during, and after their terms of service to the Governing Board.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities

Per the IGS Terms of Reference:

Associate Representatives embody the Analysis Centers, Data Centers, and Network components of the IGS. Candidates for these positions are solicited by an Associate Member Call for Nominations and vetted by the Standing Elections Committee (SEC). The SEC then presents at least two candidates for each position to the Associate Members for voting. The election will be determined by the number of votes received from the Associate Members.


Analysis Center Representative

The AC Representative must be associated to one of the IGS Analysis Centers (ACs) or Associate Analysis Centers (AACs). The IGS ACs are those groups, recognized by the GB, which are committed to deliver to the IGS some or all of the core products, promptly and reliably. AC Representatives serve as liaisons between the ACs, the IGS Governing Board, the IGS Associate Members, and the greater community. Therefore, they are responsible to communicate and address concerns over any significant matter regarding the AC processing, products, or organization. The AC Representative will, by mutual agreement with AC Coordinator(s) and AC/AAC members, provide feedback on the quality and timeliness of the prospective AC/AAC products. AC Representatives are required to participate during IGS Governing Board meetings.

Network Representative

Network Representatives are responsible for improving coordination, reliability and functioning of the IGS Network by serving as liaisons between the greater community and the IGS Governing Board, while promoting use and acceptance of IGS data and products. Network Representatives must be experienced in manning one or multiple IGS ground tracking stations, and are responsible to communicate and address concerns over any significant matter regarding the IGS stations operations and derived products. Network Representatives are required, by mutual agreement with the Network Coordinator, to provide feedback on the quality of stations and station data. Network Representatives are required to participate during IGS Governing Board meetings.


Further Information Further information about Associate Membership application, selection, maintenance, and validation is described in the Associate Member Engagement Process. Additionally, further information about the election process can be found in the IGS Governing Board Election Process. Definitions and Descriptions of components within the Governing Board, Committees, Working Groups and others may be found in the IGS Terms of Reference.

Last Updated on 8 Aug 2024 17:42 UTC

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